Tuesday, December 11, 2012

*Hidup Memang Macam Ni*

Gloomy, sad and ya I’m totally disappointed now and yet still shocked..it become more worse  especially those you care for most saying something that.....chop! Actually it happen when people misunderstand things that you are trying to say..sbb salah paham, ya paham salah, again salah paham...

This is not your or my fault, just because we are human, so making mistekes are part of being human..Kita kan manusia biasa..ya KITA semua…*SmileS*

Baca apa yang ditulis oleh Kak Tisha ni buat aku rasa tenang..dan ya aku setujuuu...
No matter how close or far the person is to us, one moment in time, they will hurt us. That I believe. *Kita manusia kan* Sometimes, we just feel that we are the lucky ones. We thought that what we have given and sacrifice is enough and that above all, we matter the most. I believe now that no matter how much a person love's us, we will get hurt- (Tisha Shahar, 2012)  
 And this is from Bob Marley:
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for!-Bob Marley
Apa yang aku perlu buat sekarang adalah be strong untuk menghadapi segala dugaan ni. What we do, others may not see, but Allah sees everything and silence is often the loudest cry. T_T

Someone said this, "We cry when our hearts couldn't hide the pain anymore. Cry if u want. That's not a weakness. It actually heals the wound that laughter can't cure" 

There was a time when I always cry, because of pain, it feels like a relief I never felt more relieve when crying, I think it’s better to cry than to laugh". setujuuuuuu sangat~

Aku adalah org yg menggunakan cara tu, untuk hilangkan kesedihan, aku akan duduk dalam kesedihan tu dan merasai kepedihan dan kesakitan nya, katalah aku cengeng sekalipun, aku terima, sbb dah menjadi fitrahnya yang perempuan ni hati lembut dan sekeras mana luaranya, inside deep in their hearts wanita mmg ada kelembutan..gituuu katenyee...

So keep calm and be strong.. *starjumping* 
I’m trying.....

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